Category: Uncategorized

  • I’m starting a mailinglist soon

    I’m starting a mailinglist soon. You can sign up at the bottom of this page. I don’t want to say too much about it, other then that it will appear irregularly (but about once a month max.) and it will be personal and honest. I don’t know how long it will run but feel free…

  • When Erlend Øye went to Italy

    I just published my second story on Medium. It’s about one half of the Kings of Convenience releasing a song in Italian. Read it here.

  • Writing on Medium

    This weekend I wrote my first article on Medium. Well, I say article, it’s more like an open question and some thoughts gathered in a couple of paragraphs. Still, I’ll be writing on there every now and again on topics that I’m involved with on a professional level… And perhaps some personal interests as well.…

  • Live each day as if the next one is going to be pretty ordinary

    Yea, yea, people say “live each day like it’s your last”. But I can’t. Maybe I’m too uptight, maybe I’m too responsible, I just can’t. If I’m going to truly live each day like it’s my last, I would do some pretty irreversible damage to my life. And I don’t even think my life is…